
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Welcome to Twitter - What is in store after the sucessful IPO?


Has only been Trading for two days, but I think we have the first clue to the Trading for the coming days/weeks.

The IPO Price was at USD 26.00 so a rally to 50.09 does send you back to the happy days before year 2000. However looking at the first two Trading days we had a shooting star on the first Trading day confirm by a new decline on the second Trading day. That calls for a continuation lower for the coming days/weeks. The possible target? Well we have a large gap from 26 to 44 and that gap should likely be closed, so a target near 26 is a qualified guess in my view. As the data builds up we will know more, but for now it's lower towards 26.

I don't have any long term data on Twitter yet, but hope to obtain some asap, to get an idea of how Twitter was Trading before the IPO. If anyone has access to price data going back 2-3 years I will appreciate if you will send them to me, so I can make a more inform call than the above.

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