If we see a break below 1,045 and even better a break below 1,011.50 we should see wave 3 head for 978.69, at least, but a more likely target for wave 3 would be 904.66.
If however support at 1,045 holds and we see a break above 1,085.20 the below count, will take over as the preferred count and allow for wave C up to the 1,131 - 1,140 area as the end of wave 2 and set the stage for wave 3 down.

If you take a closer look at the chart below, you will See, that every time we have and important top or bottom, we do see divergence. The bears was at a low point in July 2007 at bears made a second higher low in October 2007. The same thing was seen at the top in October 2008 and March 2009 and we have just seen a low in January 2010 followed by a higher low in May or June 2010. All pointing towards and important bottom being in place for the bears and they are slowly, but surly gaining the upper hand.

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