Saturday, October 31, 2009
Vacation time
I'll be back on November 14.
See you and take care out there!
DJI - Very bearish action friday

we broke back above the trend-line support giving the
bulls hope that this was once againe a flase break, but the
the break back below the trend-line and the close below
doesn't leave them any hope (or ta least shouldn't), but I'm
they are hoping and we should let them hope and suffer.
Monday may bring a small rally, which should be the last
chance to get out of the way, but we should see a 10-20%
loss before entering the next minor low close to November 13.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
S&P 500 - Wave iv of I is close to its top

Wave iv of I is close to its top. It should find a top in the area between 1,066.77 to 1,067.42, but more importantly at no point should the ongoing rally break above 1,074.37 as wave iv then will enter wave i, which is not allowed under the Elliott wave priciple. If 1,074.37 is broken an altenate wave count of a series of wave one's and two's becomes the prefered count.
But for now expect a top near 1,067.42 for a decline 1,042.08 closer to 1,020.22 to finish wave I down.
Wave iv could of cause be a more complex corrective wave as wave ii was a simple zig-zag wave iv should be more complex due to alternation like a flat or a triangle
DJI - October 19 was a perfect hit!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
DJI - October 19 looks more and more like a perfect hit

I might have to alter my brearish count on the DJI, as the first wave 2 could be a tuncated wave 5 of C, but that will not have any big effects for now.
Friday, October 23, 2009
DJI - As support continues to hold I still don't know for sure if the top is in place

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Bank Index - Impulsive decline

DJI - I still concider the Monday high as a hit!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
FTSE - Topping action

Looking at the internal relationships they to point towards a possible top.
At 5,162.71 the second zig-zag was equal to the first zig-zag and to a smaller degree in the second zig-zag wave c was equal to wave a at 5,291.58, which was as perfect a hit that one could expect.
Again a top in the FTSE 100 at this point would fit nicely in my view that a top in DJI might have been set.
DAX - Possible topping action

DJI - Still undecided about a possible top

Monday, October 19, 2009
DJI - Was the top set on Friday or will it be today?

We still can't say with any degree of certainty if we saw a top on Friday or it might be set today or perhaps not at all...
What we can say with 100% certainty is, that any new high after today will cancel the possibility for a top and delay it to around the time window from November 11 to November 18.
As can be seen above we can count a five wave overlapping advance in wave C. On Friday we saw a break below the small support line, but we need a break below 9,807 to really add confidence in top set Friday or today scenario.
A break below Fridays low at 9940.14 would be first indication, but only a break below 9,807 would add confidence.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A follow up on my Friday post in regards to a possible top in DJI
What if wave C of [B] was a Fibonacci number of wave A+B of [B].
Wave A+B took 88 days to finish and the Fibonacci 78.6% would make wave C 69 days long. Remember my post on Friday, where I stated that wave C since the bottom of way B had taken 69 days if we saw a top on Friday...
Still maybe just a coincident, but I do think more and more evidence points towards an imoprtant top Friday. I still would accept a top without questioning Monday due to Viginia Jim's dicovery.
Virginia Jim says a top in DJI Friday or Monday
By coincident I fell about some recearch he had done in regards to the Spiral Calendar. I will not try to pick in Jim's article, because its explains it self and what he thinks perfectly and much better than I can. I hope Jim don't mind me bringing he article in full, but it's exellente. A truly amazing discovery - Congratulation Jim.
October 16, 2009 (+-1 day) might become a very important day. This is a follow up on my post dated September 25, 2009. It should be in my archive and will give closer detail on how I came up with Spiral Calendar projections I’ll discuss below. The preamble to this “follow up” condenses and says the same thing as the September 25, 2009 post.
Chris Carolan discovered a Fibonacci/lunar relation between 1929 and 1987 and documented it in his excellent book “The Spiral Calendar”. He identified 4 dates in 1929 that reappeared near exactly (within the projection measurement error of 1 day) in 1987. Forgetting about his astrological reference to the lunar months in relation to the first equinox of each year, he related 1987 to 1929 by taking the square root of the 29th (“F29”) number in the Fibonacci sequence (514229 or “F29”) and multiplying by the synodic lunar interval or 29.5306 day. So, the square root of 514229 is 717.0976 X 29.5306 = 21176.32 days. Take 4 key dates in 1929 add 21176.32 days and you get the comparable date in 1987 in relation to that crash year:
I discovered and have not seen it written elsewhere that 2009 preliminarily appears to be reflecting the Spiral Calendar dates in 1987 and 1929. So what? It’s easy to project any of the Spiral Calendar Fibonacci computations forward…..just math. And you can take the 4 dates in 1929 and project them by every Spiral Calendar sequence you won’t get a single date in 2009. But you can with 1987. The 25th (“F25”) Fibonacci Spiral Calendar sequence gives you the four dates explained in the above Excel chart in 2009; July 11, 2009 (significant low), October 16, 2009 (final highest high in the crash year), November 23, 2009 (secondary high before a crash) and December 10, 2009 (crash).
So, you can make a 1987 projection to 2009; what makes this other than pure numerology? Nothing. Any extrapolation of history to the future is numerology absent physical or deterministic mathematical support. Gaussian statistics (bell curve) and variants, even given widely accepted causal rationalization, is numerology; it’s just very persuasive and accepted. The Spiral Calendar projection is different only in that it is not very persuasive. There isn’t a whiff of causality.
But there are two ‘conincidents’ that preliminarily support these projections. First, F29 interval between 1929 and 1987 is 21176 days or 58.0 years and the F25 interval from 1987 to 2009 is 8088 days or22.1 years. Their relation is .381, a near perfect and highly prominent Fibonacci relation. Second, July 11, 2009 is the first of four projected dates, is now behind us AND IT WORKED. July 11, 2009 should have been a prominent low next preceding the final highest high before the crash. Recall on July 11, 2009 everyone was following the unconfirmed head and shoulders top and vastly expecting a crash. It didn’t happen. Instead, July 11, 2009 was a clearly significant and widely unanticipated bottom (July 11 was actually a Saturday and July 10 was the bottom). I’ve updated a chart I posted September 25 and this is what the IMPLIED FRACTAL looks like to date:
If one had noticed this 4 date projection on July 10, 2009, you would have gone long to October 16, 2009 (not followed the H&S fiasco) and would have made, yet to be determined, but probably greater than 24% on an unlevered long trade. Then you would have gone short to sometime in early November and long into the 3rd date of November 23, 2009 (the F25 projected secondary high before the crash). Here’s an idea of the proportions of price change between the four dates (note that I’ve added a fifth date, namely the first bottom after the highest high):
So, IF October is a valid projection, the 1929 and 1987 models would indicate a substantial first wave decline of 10% to 17%. I think it could be greater than either because we are in the last stages of the peak crash season (as documented by Stephen Puetz, Chris Carolan and Peter Eliades). December 10 is late for a crash. And, many Ellioticians believe the projected wave commencing after October 16 is at a very high degree of Elliot Wave trend; EWI would show it as intermediate (1) of primary circle 3, of cycle c, of supercycle (a) of grand supercycle (IV).
Three notes of caution. Chris Carolan has not identified his own Spiral Calendar projection from 1987 to 2009 as significant, either by oversight or has dismissed it. I cannot confirm it either way despite efforts to contact him and his followers. Carolan’s website shows his computation based on 2007 and 2008 dates as indicating a top on October 11, which has not worked (more than one day off at this point). Second, Carolan originally noted the coincidence of 1929 versus 1987 dates in relation to the number of new moons following the spring equinox but distilled his thinking in terms of Fibonacci and synodic lunar intervals. 2009 is one moon greater than 1929 and 1987 so that gave me pause when I first considered these dates. I’ve rationalized the contradiction in noting the true computation is not relative to the equinox but it is a Fibonacci computation in lunar intervals. Third, this is the purest form of numerology; not hint of causality.
So, all we have is four dates and two “coincidents”. If I’d projected this six months ago, and said it would occur BECAUSE of a .381 relation in the years between 2009 and 1987 divided by the years between 1987 and 1929, I’d say the chances of four monument dates in 2009 being successful would be incalculable. If I’d noted that item and July 11, 2009 turned out to be a successful projection, I might say the odds of the other 3 being successful were within the realm of number system but still negligible. But, since we are narrowing in on October 16, 2009 and despite the emotions in the last months since July 11, 2009, it is still viable. I am very interested.
If October 16, 2009 prints a new recover high (or October 15 or 19), I will be giving far greater weight to the implications of this model. I’ll be expecting an Elliot Wave primary 3 of cycle c to begin very soon thereafter. Granted it’s only an intermediate 1 of primary 3, but it can be crashworthy IMO. Remember the character a c wave is that it is not expected by anyone; certainly, with a blowoff top in the making today, October 14, 2009 on top of INTC and JPM earnings, who expects a crash?
But who expected, on July 11, 2009, that the market would not have fulfilled the great head and shoulders top de jour of that date much less been 24% higher three months later?
Good luck,
Just a word or two: We don't know yet if Jim or I was right in our prediction. A new high will be allowed on Monday in regards to Jim's prediction. A new high wouldn't fit well into my reason, but as I think Virginia Jim's discovery is way more important than mine I will not question a new top set on Monday. That said I do think that all the right ingridiences and the wave look is just right for a top having been set Friday, but time will show.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Who said green shoots?
That is scary. It looks a lot more as depression than green shoots to me...
DJI - Possible turn day today

Trying to pick the top has proven more tuff than usual. After breaking above the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement and wave iv of 3 high at 9,653.95 The next obvious target would be the 50% retracement target near 10,341.89. If the new correction target is 10,341.89 when can we expect it to be reached? Looking at the structrue since the wave [A] low to the low of B it took 88 days. Wave C often take and equal amount of days to finish, that would mean, that the A-B-C zig-zag correction since [A] would reach its high on November 11, where wave C would have used 88 days since the wave B low.
Eventhough the above is an absolut possibility we need to consider that a top might have been reached yesterday or will be today. Wave A took 68 days from bottom to the top and yesterday was the 68 day from the wave B bottom. An other clue could be, that the low of wave [A] was reached on Friday March 6. The top of wave A was on Thursday the 11 of June, but the closing high was on Friday the 12 of June. The low and closing low of wave B was on Friday the 10 of July, so could we see a small new high today Friday the 16 of October 69 days after the wave B low?
It might just be coincident, but it's a possibility we must consider. It would also fit nicely with the DJT and Nasdaq 100 making a double top formations and not confirm the new highs for DJI and the S&P 500.
It will be very exciting to see todays action so stay tuned!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Overnight action is clear
Gold is headed for triangle target near 1,080.
Oil is headed for resistance nead 76.30.
USD index is headed for the cluser of support in the 74.38 - 74.75 area.
Everybody knows gold is rising and everybody wants some. Bullishness is running high and targets at 2.000 or 3.000 USD an ounce has become ordinary. Even targets at 5.000 and 10.000 are mentioned quite frequently. Remember the boom and the predictions that became common. Dow in 36.000 even 100.000. You know what happende
In the opposite campe we currently have the USD. Nobody wants it and it's even obviouse that the Government wants the USD to fall, no country or central bank any longer wants to have USD in its reserves as it has become clear that it's going to tank. I even heard a talking head on CNBC mention that AUD ag. USD is heading for par.
The sentiment is just about right for everything to turnaround surprising almost everybody.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
AUD and NZD have finished their top formations

DJT - Impulsive five waves down Part II

I'm certain that wave B or 2 has finished and we are currently seeing the early stages of wave C or 3 down to at least 3,534.59 if it's wave C, if however it's wave 3 I would expect 3,534.59 to be broken to the downside adding confidence to the view that important top has been seen in all the major indices.
The divergence between the DJI topping yesterday and the DJT topping on September 17 was an important clue that a top could be close at hand.
Major tops could have been set in Gold, Silver and Oil today (not certain yet) and a important bottom might also have been set in the USD, if we are currently seeing some major trend changes we could see some very violent moves.
Monday, October 12, 2009
SSEC - Wave 2 of [3] seems to have ended

It seems that wave ii of red wave 3 finished on friday and we are now in the very early stages of wave 3 down. It also lookes like a nice falling channel has formed. We very often see that wave ii of 3 breaks slightly above the channel top, but in this case it has respected it perfectly, but maybe wave (ii) of iii will break it slightly before the wave iii collapse sets in.
Stay tuned!
DJT - Impulsive five waves down?

It sure looks like we got a impulsive five wave down move from the 4,051.76 high. The rally since the 3,656.23 low does look corrective and we should be close to wave v of c top. I do expected the 78.6% retracement target at 3,967 to protect the upside for at least one more five wave downmove as wave C or even better wave 3 of a new five wave decline.
Are looking for 3,967 to to hold for a break below 3,853 (wave iv of c) and more importantly 3,749 which will prove this to be a zig-zag correction and call for a decline to at least 3,571.
If my count is right, we now have a clear divergence between the DJI and DJT, which calls for a top in DJI and the other major indices soon.
Friday, October 9, 2009
USD Index - Do we need one more low?

We can count a clear five down move since the 89.62 top on March 4'th, so no doubt that a bottom is close, but do we need a move closer to the 74.45 - 74.57 area to complete wave v of C of [B] ?
If we do need one more move down, there is plenty of evindece to why the 74.45 - 74.57 area should be the end target area for wave 5 of C.
* At 74.45 wave [B] will be 78.6% of wave [A]
* At 74.48 wave 5 of C will be equal to wave 1 of C
* At 74.57 wave 5 of C will be 61.8% of wave 1 through wave 3 of C
So buying just in front of the 74.45 - 74.57 area will represent a very low risk oppotunity.
Even at the current level (76.02) we are just 2% above this very strong support area will in my eyes pose a low risk oppotunity. Risk/reward are excellente possing a 2;5.87 risk/reward if the USD Index only rally to 80.48 from here.
Judge yourself...
Wheat - A major rally ahead?

Wheat is currently sitting on major support near 434 (horizontal red line). My favorit count seen above suggest, that wave b of major B has just finished and we should see wave c of major B higher towards to Shoulder/Head/Shoulder neck line at 740 over the coming month.
A rally to near 740 would make wave c 1.382 times wave a in a irregular flat correction.
Time for some more cheerful farmers...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What is going on part II

Trying to count every little squiggle since the 9,917.99 top has now more possibilities that I care trying to figure out. The best thing to do rigth now, is to step back an let the market eliminate all the least possible and leave us with one or two top counts.
I still see very strong resistance near the wave iii of 3 top at 9,794.37, which could halt this upmove for a new test of important support at 9,430.08 and even more important support at 9,252.93. A break below 9,252.93 will be the final nail in this bear market rallys coffin...

Sunday, October 4, 2009
DJI and S&P 500 - All odds favor that a important top is in place

Thursday, October 1, 2009
NZD/USD - A firm top is likely in place

AUD/USD - A firm top is most likely in place